How This Will Work

You're just about ready to get started.

First, I'm going to help you:

1. Budget your time

2. Get familiar with the tools

📌 But before that, bookmark this page so it's easy to return to Teachable.

Budgeting your time

I suggest setting aside 4-8 hours to complete these activities.

You can do that in one of two ways:

  1. Set aside 2 blocks of 4-5 hours (e.g. a Saturday and Sunday morning)
  2. Set aside 1 hour per day for 1-2 weeks (e.g. 1 hour each morning)

Whatever you do, don't try to rush through this in one sitting. You're going to want to go deep, reflect, and iterate.

This is important. Do yourself a favor and set aside a bit of time to do it the right way.

The tools

There are two main tools you'll use within the co-pilot:

  1. Teachable (where you are right now), where you'll find all of the instructions and lessons so that you can complete the activities
  2. Miro, a digital whiteboard where you'll complete the activities

In the video above, I'll show you exactly how everything is set up for you.

📌 I strongly recommend that you work your way through each lesson in Teachable, and then complete the associated activity in Miro.

Don't skip the videos. And don't try to plow through every video in one sitting and then complete all activities afterward. You'll lose track of valuable tips and strategies.

In each lesson, I'll tell you to stop and complete the associated activity.

Watch the video above for a complete walkthrough so you're set up for success.

Complete and Continue